Year 3 Pens down day
Lesson: History
Class: Year 3 A - Miss Bailey Year: 2022 - 2023
On Monday (5.9.22), we had our Pens’ down day and explored our new topic of the Stone Age. First, there was a present wrapped up in the classroom and when it was revealed it was the book ‘The Stone Age Boy’. We then looked at why the Stone age was called the Stone Age. Then in maths, we looked at an exciting discovery that was found in La Pileta Cave in Spain that looked like drawings . We thought that it could have been a way to count things and then discussed what might they have counted. In Literacy, we looked at the life of a stone age child and learnt about Grey Otter and his life through drawings in caves. We took part in several drama exercises such as miming game and hot seating. After Literacy, we looked further into when Stone Age was and what periods it was split into by creating a timeline. Then, we created our own cave paintings.