KiVa - Antibullying
We are a KiVa school
Kiva is an evidence-based program to prevent and reduce bullying. It was developed at the University of Turku, Finland with funding from the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture, implemented by Bangor University, North Wales.
It's aims are:
•To reduce bullying
•To prevent new bullying incidents from occurring
•To minimize the negative effects caused by bullying
KiVa is visible in many ways in the daily life at school. Chidlren will take part in the KiVa lessons (10 lessons, each consisting of two 45-minute sessions). The lessons include discussions, group work, short films about bullying and role play. Their content proceeds from general topics such as the importance of respect in human relationships to the mechanism and consequences of bullying. Many lessons concentrate on the role a group can have in maintaining or stopping bullying; the students think about and practice different ways to resist bullying.
KiVa Kindness Awards
Half termly assembly and awards to showcase and reward outstanding kindness in school. These pupils are chosen by class staff who have seen kind behaviour directed at peers and adults. Winners receive a certificate and a token for our book machines.
Reporting concerns
If you suspect your child is being bullied or you have a reason to believe that they are bullying others, please contact the school sing the form below so that the matter can be dealt with as efficiently and as soon as possible. Discuss bullying together with your child even they are not bullied or does not bully others. It is important that you and your child together think about what to do if someone is being bullied at school.
To report any concern around bullying in School please scan the QR code below using a smart device or click on the link. A member of the KiVa team will investigate your concerns as per our KiVa procedures.
Further information for parents and carers
For further information from KiVa please click the link below.